
58 Stars’ service promise

This is our pledge to our clients

To present custom-crafted, one-of-a-kind vacation itineraries.

To use our deep knowledge and expertise to help you plan a distinctive, personalized experience.

To utilize our trusted relationships and wide-reaching connections to make your journey authentic and connected.

To deliver a high-end service customer experience, from our first hello to your return home.

To give careful attention to every detail of your itinerary as if you were family—because, to us, you are.


58 Stars brings the world to our clients with custom-crafted travel designed to your exact specifications. We are a luxury travel agency, specializing in luxury vacations, concierge travel, and more – providing you options for destinations, experiences and excursions. Our global connections run deeper and further—from airlines, cruise lines, hotels, tour companies, resorts, and more—which gives us an unmatched advantage in delivering amazing experiences for our clients. Luxury travel means more to us than just 5-star hotels. It means crafting a personalized travel itinerary and delivering a trip you’ll remember forever. At 58 Stars, the world is entirely yours – our luxury travel agent specialists are here to help you navigate it. Let’s talk.